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Oolitic Aragonite- Biogenic form of calcium carbonate

Oolitic aragonite is a unique mineral that appears as same as sand but it has huge difference compared with the normal beach sand. These minerals are formed in the lower layer of the water in the Banks of Bahamas. Oolitic aragonite is the combination of calcium carbonate and other chemical substances. It has different structure when compared with other calcium carbonate structures. The actual microscopic structure of oolitic aragonite looks like a lot of interlaced needles present together. These minerals have huge advantages like larger surface area and are available at an affordable price. Calcium carbonates have huge influence in our daily life and are used in the manufacturing of toothpaste, antacids, carpet.

Usually, Calcium carbonates are taken from non-renewable resources such as mines present all over the world. These mining’s are unsustainable and has high energy intensities which results in the higher price. Oolitic aragonite will act as an alternative choice and it is an eco friendly form of calcium carbonate. They are biogenic in nature as they are produced by living organisms. These oolitic aragonites are formed naturally during whiting event.

Whiting Event:
Whiting event is visible on the satellite images as white clouds in the water. The researchers first believed that they are caused by fishes while disturbing the bottom of the sea. Later it is confirmed as the formation of oolitic aragonite. Phytoplanktons are the microscopic plant organisms present in the water which seasonally moves over the banks of Bahamas. The phytoplanktons convert the sunlight into energy; carbon dioxide is absorbed from the atmosphere.  At next level the carbon dioxide will bind to the calcium present in the water.  At the end of the process it will create a calcium carbonate called as oolitic aragonite.

Oolitic aragonite is the world’s only biogenic and natural calcium carbonate. These structures are mainly available in the Bahamas region. The whiting events happen annually which restocks the oolitic aragonite deposits. This oolitic aragonite reserve on the Bahamas region contains nearly 50 to 100 billion metric ton of oolitic aragonite. The annual estimated renewal rate of oolitic aragonite in Bahamas regions lies from 14 to 120 million metric tons. Carbon dating is the common method used for knowing the age of the material whether it is created in the past 3 to 5 years or not. Oolitic aragonite is an environmentally friendly, renewable and sustainable material. Due to its natural formation and advantages, oolitic aragonite is also known as the eco friendly form of calcium carbonate.


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